2 in 1 Phone Holder/Wallet
Pricing Details
Production Time: 7 Working Days
Quantity | Price |
250 | $1.57 each |
500 | $1.42 each |
1000 | $1.32 each |
2500 | $1.17 each |
Silicone card holder, with convenient strap holder.
Easily holds cards and cash in wallet space.
Normal Production Time
7 Working Days
Additional InformationPricing Includes a one color imprint silk-screened on one side.
Setup Charge Add $55.00 (G) for new orders. No initial Setup Charge on exact reorders.
Item Size 2.16" W x 3.54" H
Imprint Area 1" W x 3" H
Multi-location Imprint Not available.
Imprint Colors Black , White , Red , Medium Blue , Medium Green , Yellow , Orange , Gray, Athletic Gold
Multi-Color Imprint Not available.
Ink Color Match Not available.
Change Ink $35.00 (G) per change. Must be at least 1/2 of the lowest quantity offered.
Print Requirements Smallest Font Size: 6 pt, Line Thickness Minimum: 0.005", Reverse Line Space Minimum: 0.007"
Production Time 5-7 working days
Packaging Bulk Packed
Shipping Weight Approx. 7 lbs. per 250 pcs.
FOB TX, 78045
Proof E-Proof $15.00 (G) each, Product Proof $50.00 (G) each (suggested when color matching is critical). Artwork charges are additional if required.
Copy Change $40.00 (G) per change. Must be at least 1/2 of the lowest quantity offered.
Additional Artwork The first 1/2 hour is FREE! Additional time will be charged $40.00 (G) per hour.